• Events where i have spoken or will speak

    A limited selection of recent and upcoming keynotes.

    Feb 28: 10xSpeaker Full-Day Speaker Training

    Leiden, Netherlands.

    Join us for a full day speaker training and awake your speaker so that you 10x your results. Find out more: https://www.10xspeaker.com/

    Feb 7: 10xSpeaker Full-Day Speaker Training

    Leiden, Netherlands.

    I enable full-day inspirational speaker trainings through 10xSpeaker. Join us and awake your speaker so that you 10x your results. Find out more: https://www.10xspeaker.com/

    Jan 14-16: Workshop AMC/VU

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Giving pitching workshops on inspirational communication to all Medical PhD students at the AMC and VU universities.

    Jan 13: Workshop Sana Commerce

    Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    Giving a workshop on inspirational communication and how you can become a more powerful communicator.

    Jan 13: Planair Keynote Sana Commerce

    Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    Inspiring the organisation in their global yearly summit on powerful and inspirational communication.

    Dec 8: Workshop Canalys Channels Forum

    Taipei, Taiwan.

    Giving a workshop on inspirational communication and how you can become a more powerful communicator.

    Dec 7: Keynote Canalys Channels Forum

    Taipei, Taiwan.

    Keynote on how to connect with everyone in the room. Finding your leadership style.

    Nov 7: Keynote at NVZA

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Opening keynote on building meaningful connections.

    Oct 30: Workshop YEAR Organisation

    DenHaag, Netherlands.

    A workshop on inspirational communication to researchers and entrepreneurs.

    Oct 17: Workshop Canalys Channels Forum

    Barcelona, Spain.

    Giving a workshop on inspirational communication and how you can become a more powerful communicator.

    Oct16: Keynote Canalys Channels Forum

    Barcelona, Spain.

    Keynote on how to connect with everyone in the room. Finding your leadership style.

    Oct 10: Host PIR .ORG Community Forum

    Washington DC, USA.

    Host and MC of the yearly PIR .ORG community forum in Washington DC.

    Sep 12: Keynote IGC / DNHK

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    A keynote on Inspirational Communication and how to give a powerful talk that moves audiences. What a version of this keynote here: https://youtu.be/BEfL6XDkcKA

    Sep 9: Keynote ING Bank Netherlands

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Inspirational communication keynote. Watch a version of this keynote on youtube: https://youtu.be/BEfL6XDkcKA

    Aug 9/10: Opening Keynote at Axiom

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Opening keynote on the entrepreneurial mindset on day 1 and Masterclass on speaking on day 2.

    July 4: Keynote at the Dutch Police

    Den Haag, Netherlands.

    Giving a Keynote / Masterclass on choices and the future of technology.

    Jun 13/14: MC/Host at Savage Marketing

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Will be the MC/Host for the 2 day digital marketing event at Savage Marketing 2019. Also giving a masterclass on speaking on day 2.

    May 28: Masterclass at Food4Business

    Berlicum, Netherlands.

    Giving a Masterclass on how to be the best speaker you can be to top entrepreneurs in the Netherlands and Belgium. A 10xSpeaker one hour workshop.

    Mar 25: Keynote for Facebook

    Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    A keynote for Facebook of the future of agencies and Facebooks role in the ecosystem.

    Mar 14: Planair Keynote Accenture

    Eindhoven, Netherlands.

    Keynote for Accenture on AI and the future of technology & Automation.

    Jan 30: Keynote SavageZ

    Berlin, Germany.

    Exponential mindset, transformation and dealing with the rising Z generation.

    Jan 22: Planair Keynote deSter Global Summit

    Antwerp, Belgium.

    Exponential mindset, building meaningful relationships with a millennial and Z generation and transforming as an organization and individuals.

    Dec 6: Opening Keynote Emerce Engage

    Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Nov 22: Closing Keynote Dutch Search Awards

    B.Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Nov 14: Planair Keynote LDSF, Liferay

    Frankfurt, Germany

    Video coming soon.

    Nov 8: Opening Keynote DevCon, Liferay

    Theater de Meervaart, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Oct 23: Closing Keynote DigitalDagen

    Bergen, Norway.

    Oct 5: Plenaire Keynote Loyens & Loeff Summit

    SugarCity, Netherlands.

    Gave the main plenaire keynote at the Loyens & Loeff global summit in Amsterdam.

    Oct 4: TEDx University of Amsterdam

    CREA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Aug 30: Keynote Inspire Festival

    Driebergen, Netherlands.

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